

This is our church news page which is updated weekly.

Updated 04/05/2024
This Sunday - 5 May

This Sunday morning Heath Easton continuing on in our sermon series in the book of Numbers. The passage for this week will be Numbers 8-10. If you would like to re-listen to any of our past sermons, you can find them here.

Update from Congregational Meeting

Thank you for your participation in our meeting last week. It was a blessing to have such a helpful, respectful and orderly discussion. For those who weren’t able to make it, approval was given for our church to purchase the property under consideration. We will talk more in the coming months about approving the funding arrangements for this purchase. Please continue to pray about this purchase process and its place in our larger plans for managing the needs of our growing congregation. Please pray that God will be honoured in all our planning and doing and that we will keep our eyes fixed on our mission to know Jesus and make him known.

For more information about this property purchase, please speak to Steve Pike (convenor of our Property Committee). 

Ministry Appointments

Thanks for your feedback on our paid part time ministry appointments here at church. Session has now made the following appointments from 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025:

  • Graeme Lowe as Pastoral Assistant (3 days per week)
  • Hepzibah Haynes as Administrative Assistant (up to 8 hours per week)

Please continue to join us in praying for the ongoing ministry, unity and wellbeing of our team. Especially for Graeme as he looks to use his extra day a week to help to encourage and equip our whole church to better provide pastoral care for one another.

Church Membership Session

On Sunday 19 May we’ll be running our next membership course from 1:00-3:30pm. We’ll spend some time thinking about who we are as a church, how we run, where we’re heading, what we’re committed to, and what membership looks like. So, if you’re not yet a member of our church but are interested in finding out more about it, it’d be great to have you there. Please let Heath Easton know if you’d like to come along.

Car Parking on Winters Ave

As it can be quite difficult for older people coming to church to find carparking close to the building, we request that you leave Winters Avenue free each Sunday Morning for the elderly and those with a disability. This applies for both services. Thank you for looking out for one another and loving each other well in this way.

There are plenty of parks either on Porter place, outside Oak St kindergarten, Church St, and Railway Avenue (or even at the train station). It might also help to come a few minutes early to ensure you can get another park and a seat!

Hope Explored Evangelistic Course

There are few emotions more powerful than hope. Over three Wednesday evenings in June (12, 19 & 26) from 7:30pm we will be running our Hope Explored Evangelistic Course, for those interested in checking out the Christian faith.

It is a three-session course about the life, death and resurrection of Jesus that examines his extraordinary claims. It shows how Jesus offers us a hope worth having, a hope that won’t disappoint us. The structure of each session is simple: a short Bible study, a video talk and a discussion based on the talk. It will be relaxed and informal and give plenty of time for questions and conversations too.

We encourage you to invite your friends and come with them, so that they might know the hope of the good news of Jesus for them. Starting soon, so pick up a flyer at church and get inviting! Let Steve Jones know if you would like to find out more.

Never Again is Now Rally

In light of the increase in antisemitism (hatred of the Jewish people) around the world, a Christian rally has been organised to stand against this most ancient of racial hatreds. The issues in the middle east are complex and contested, yet there is never an excuse to hate any people group. On 19 May 2024 (1:30pm-4:00pm) a rally/Christian style service will be held in Melbourne to show support for the Jewish community and take a stand against antisemitism. It is free event, and you can find out more details here.


CWCI Breakfast 

CWCI would like to invite women to Breakfast at Daizies on Saturday 25 May from 9:00-11:00am.

Topic: “Looking for Light in a dark world”

Daizies Function Centre, 3331 Korumburra-Warragul Rd Warragul Sth.

Guest speaker: Jenny Wraight.

Tickets cost $32 which includes buffet breakfast, guest speaker and musical items.

All women welcome. Contact Val York for tickets or information.


Sons of Korah- a musical journey into the Psalms

Sons of Korah are having a 30th anniversary concert in Melbourne on 13 July. Their songs are straight from the Psalms. This promises to be an evening filled with soul-enriching music, heartfelt worship, and jubilant celebration.

Tickets are $40 each.

Use this link for more information or to book tickets: sonsofkorah. Please speak to Paul French if you’d like to car pool to this event. 


Religion in the Public Square Colloquium: Living As If Truth Matters

How Christians face the challenges posed by our contemporary culture is one of the most pressing issues confronting believers today. We live in an age which is increasingly hostile to the Christian faith. Christian teaching is no longer considered good, or even neutral, but actually harmful. This event, held 12-13 Julyaims to equip believers so that they are better informed and able to speak with wisdom and conviction in response to those challenges. Follow this link to find out more, or to register: living-as-if-truth-matters

Evangelistic Courses 2024

Over this year we plan on running four evangelistic courses that will share the gospel with your family, friends and neighbours. All the courses are relaxed times to watch a video together, open the bible, ask some questions and find some answers all about Jesus.


  • Christianity Explored (7 sessions – March 13-May 22) - Meet the man who changed history, in the pages of Mark’s Gospel. Designed for people of all ages interested in Christianity and wanting to find out what it is all about. Pick up a flyer at church this week and give to a friend.

  • Hope Explored (3 sessions – June 12-26 & November 13-27) - Learn about the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, from Luke’s Gospel. Designed for people of all ages interested in Christianity and are a bit time poor.

  • Life Explored (7 sessions – July 17-September 11) - Discover the source of real joy through intriguing story films and illuminating Bible passages. Designed for a young adult audience seeking to understand where happiness and satisfaction is found.

Please be praying about who you might like to invite/bring/encourage to come and let Steve Jones of any questions you have.

2024 Ministries for All Ages

- For Children:

Sunday School – Our Sunday School is on for 3yo kinder to Grade 6 kids 10:00-10:30am. Every Sunday (in school terms). Teaching kids to know, love, trust, obey and enjoy Jesus.

Contact: Christina Finley via email or in person at church on a Sunday.



Our fortnightly (in school terms) Friday evening KidZone ministry for primary aged kids is, 4:30-6:00pm in the church hall. Format is kid’s club with games, activities, food and discipleship. Great place to bring kids from school to introduce them to Jesus.

Cost: $5/child or $10/family*.

Contact: Steve Jones via email or in person at church on a Sunday.

Toy Library

Drouin Toy Library is open again on Friday mornings between 9:00am-12:00pm and fortnightly Saturday mornings between 9:00-10:00am. Borrowing out toys, books and DVDs and providing a fun and safe environment for children and families to play and socialise and experience the love of Jesus.

Contact: Kerryn Selvaraj via email or in person at church on a Sunday.


- For Secondary School Aged Youth:

Youth Group

7:00-9:30pm. First Friday of each month at the church. Hang out, have some fun and be encouraged to take Jesus seriously.

Cost: $5/youth or $10/family*.

Contact: Alistair Hood via email or in person at church on a Sunday.


Youth Connect Group

7:00-8:30pm. Every Monday in school terms at the church. Connecting with God and discipling teens through God’s word.

Contact: Alistair Hood via email or in person at church on a Sunday.


*we do not wish to see these costs to be a barrier to any child or teenager attending our programs. Please speak to the leader of this ministry to discuss other arrangements.


-For Adults:

Prayer Groups

7:00-8:00am Tuesdays and 2:00-3:00pm Thursdays at Wal and Anne Kenney’s home in Drouin. A time of reflecting on God’s word and then praying for our church, community, nation and world.

Contact: Heath Easton (Tuesday group) or Steve Jones (Thursday group).


Connect Groups 

We have groups running in the evening and day time, weekly, fortnightly and monthly, mixed groups, women’s groups and a young adults group. Connecting with God and each other as we read, discuss, apply and pray about the Bible together during the week. Various leaders and locations. We would love all of you to be involved in Connect Groups this year. If you are not in one and would like to join one, please let Steve Jones know  and we will help you find an appropriate group.

Contact: Steve Jones via email or in person at church on a Sunday.


Book Club

Our online church book is on a weekly basis at 4pm on Zoom. The book for Term 2 is ‘The Christian Manifesto’ by Alistair Begg.

Contact: Steve Jones via email or in person at church on a Sunday.

A Praying Church 

“Pray continually” says Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5:17. Because God love it when we pray, listens to us when we pray, and answers us when we pray…we want to be a people who pray. And while we can pray on our own, there’s something special about praying together as a church too. For that reason we’d love to have you join us for one of our regular prayer meetings during the week. We have a group for women who meet to pray on Zoom on Monday evenings at 8:00pm, and groups that anyone is welcome to attend on Tuesday mornings at 7:00am and Thursday afternoons at 2:00pm. Speak to Heath Easton or Steve Jones if you’d like to come along.

Dates for your Diaries:

10 May - KidZone

10 May - Gravity Youth Group

13 May - WMV: Good Evenings

19 May - Membership Course

19 May - Gravity

Can we help?

Each of our deacons is responsible for coordinating a different ministry of service: Sick and Laid up (Sandy Bryant), Meals (Robyn Crocker), Practical Help (Ian Hemphill), New parents and young families (Louise Hood), Visitation (Katharine York). If you, or someone you know, needs a helping hand, speak to any of the deacons directly or for general enquiries contact Katharine York via or in person at church on a Sunday.

Who should I talk to?

If you ever want to contact Session (the elders) with questions, concerns or suggestions about our church life, teaching, leadership or ministry, please communicate with our Session Clerk, Merv York, in person or by email.


If you ever want to contact the Board of Management regarding our church facilities, resources, maintenance, safety issues or finances, please communicate with our Board Secretary, Robyn Crocker, in person or by email.


If you ever want to contact our Deacons for any practical assistance for yourself or for someone you know, when a helping hand is needed, please contact Katharine York, in person or by email.


These people will ensure that the matters you’ve raised will be passed on, in a timely manner, to the other elders, board managers and deacons respectively. The Deacons will respond to your requests within a matter of days. The Board and Session will receive your communication at their next scheduled meeting which means you can expect a response within a month (session) or two months (board). 

Name Badges

As we meet week by week at church, one practical thing we can do to serve newcomers (and the memory challenged among us) is to wear a name badge at church. You can find them in the church foyer. If you don’t have one yet, or if you’ve lost yours, please just email Hepzibah Haynes and she’ll make one for you.


One-to-One Discipleship

Here at Drouin Presbyterian, we love to have opportunities to meet up one to one with others in the church, to read the bible, pray and encourage each other regularly. Some people meet once a week, others once a fortnight but it is a great way to encourage one another in a relaxed environment. If you would like to explore more about this, or get involved, please let Steve Jones know and we can work with you to find someone appropriate to meet up with you. 

Church Library

The Church Library is open for business! It is accessible at all times with the church centre key. It is located in room opposite the top kitchen.

There are Christian books, DVDs and CDs to support the nurture and growth of our whole church family. We’re sure you will find something for yourselves and your whole family.

Please follow the directions on signs for recording loans. Check it out online using the link and login details that will be emailed to you personally, or head to the church and see it for yourself. Speak to Kerryn Selvaraj for more details.

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